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Latinxs Anti-racism Campaign
Learn about the contribution of Latinxs to WA, US
The story of Latinx discrimination largely begins very early in US history; however, anti-Latinx sentiment is negatively growing due to the increase of Latinx refugees came to US. Our refugees and migrants are escaping of climate changes, and the violence and dictatorial regimes in Latin American. Latinx families have experienced a lot stereotyping and are likely to be marginalized and social insulated. However, we are an important part of the history, economic, developments of US. This program is our effort to bring the true bout us to the community.

Know the contribution of some Latinx Leaders in our communities.
Proud Latinx
Proud Latinx

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CHWCMR, Dra. Ileana Ponce Gonzalez, Directora Ejecutiva de la CHWCMR, Orgullo de Identidad Latina.
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CHWCMR Giselle Zapata, esta orgullosa de su Identidad Latina
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CHWCMR, Orgullosos de su identidad Latina, Claudia y Diego.
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