Who we are...
CHWCMR stands for the Community Health Worker Coalition for Migrants & Refugees. It's a WA statewide-nonprofit organization based in Washington State. Their mission is to increase the capacity and competencies of Community Health Workers (CHWs) to meet the needs of underserved communities, particularly migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees.
Our program development is guided by needs assessments conducted by CHWs to address social injustice and health disparities in their communities.
CHWCMR focuses on reducing health disparities, environmental injustice, and social injustice by providing various programs and services, such as maternal-infant health, mental health, oral health, environmental health, and social equity projects.
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We create health educational programs, which are based on medical-based evidence in a culturally and linguistically ways to serve our communities.

Ileana Maria Ponce-Gonzalez, MD, MPH
Founder/Executive Director
Learning about how we deliver social justice for farmworkers, migrants, and refugees is a challenge and a civil responsibility.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead