CHWCMR is very excited to announce the result of our FIRST peer review process for Community Health Workers. The grant announcement was a Small-limited Competition grant for Community Champions who were or are involved with CHWCMR Projects.
The funding opportunity was in Spanish and a completely electronic process. We receive 5 application from CHWs all of them identify big public health concern in our communities: -Oral Health, Our Words Can Help Us, Women in Rural areas, Saving lives, and Suicide prevention.
The review panel consisted of multidisciplinary professionals in the field of CHWs, community-based participatory research, oral health, diabetes, HIT and behavioral health.
The application was scored based on in five parameters: 1) Experience of the Community Health Worker, or champion in working with the CHWCMR, 2) Significance of the project, 3) Evaluation, 3) Dissemination and 4) Inclusion of another community champions in the project.
Although we had only $1,500 for this process, our BOD approved to use $ 500 more.
The funding is for:
1- Luis Amado-Amigos de Seattle, Oral Health/ Score 2.2-Oustanding ($1000)
2- Leticia Rivera, Suicide Prevention/ Score 1.8 Very good ($500)
3- Socorro Garcia “Our words can help us/ Score 1.75 Very good ($500)
As a former Scientific Review Officer from NIAID/AHRQ, I am very proud of initiating an innovated and pioneer pilot for our community champions. I invited all of you to do the same. Together we can do a better world.
Thanks to all community champions who applied, BOD, and our prestigious reviewers. For the roster, visit www.chwcoalition.org